Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Sucker Punch Review!

Alright so I thought Sucker Punch was pretty cool, some of the dialogue scenes were a bit boring and made the movie seemed longer then what it actually is. It's a movie that calls for all your attention tho, because it does it's best to lose you. And if you aren't paying attention you will be lost quickly. There is a story there it is right in front of your face right when the movie starts a narrator tells you that this is not about the lead girl but she is a heroine meant to save someone else. This is NOT about female empowerment. I'd like to know why if the same movie stars guys its just an action movie but if girls are the leads its about much more.

Some of you may go in and come out feeling like you just got Sucker Punched by Zack Snyder but just pay attention and you can dodge the blow or at least embrace the impact.

*Spoilers* (I will tell you some things that happen so if you see it you won't be lost)

So in the beginning of the movie Baby who is what the lead girl goes by ,played by the actress who played the older sister in Lemony Snickett's SOUF, mom dies and everything is supposed to be left to her and her sister. Her step dad is angry about this and tries to hurt them Baby fights back youngest daughter ends up getting killed. Step dad now has one out the way and decides its time to get rid of the other one. He does this by paying off an orderly in a psych ward for girls to arrange for a doctor to come in and give her a lobotomy. The doctor comes in getting ready to do the job when we are snatched into a different scene altogether. WHAT THIS ISSSS, is jumping back 5 days. I believe that this is just a representation of "the theater" where the girls go and spend most of the day at. I think Zack Snyder thought that this setting would be more interesting then the gray walls of the asylum. The actual doctor of the place is working on a method where the girls can go to where they want within their mind just listening to the music and relaxing and letting it take them there. Soooo Baby, is planning to escape before she gets lobotomized and she enlist some of the other girls to help. When the music plays she gets lost in a relaxing trance where she can escape and fight her problems there. To me this part makes it WAY MORE INTERESTING then what would normally be happening. With THAT said, I can't really recommend seeing this movie in a movie theater. There are too many things going on for people to get distracted to its not really a comfortable setting and sometimes sounds can be too loud and have too much of an echo. This is a great movie see at home on a nice size TV in 1080p on Blu Ray and with the ability to rewind and pause. I'll give it a 3 out of 5.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What if...the Swat Kats Opening had Lyrics

Lyrics added to the opening of Swat Kats

What if....the DS9 opening had lyrics

Ah, ok attempt at adding lyrics to the Deep Space 9 opening.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What if.. The Justice League Theme Had Lyrics

What if the Justice League Theme had lyrics?

What if...JLU had Lyrics

What if the Justice League Unlimited theme had lyrics?