Saturday, April 10, 2010

back in nc

Wellllllllllll, I'm back in NC now.  I don't think anyone reads these. Hmm...oh well. My current mood is blah. Now that one person just isn't really saying anything at all anymore. I remember before she was excited that I was online. Now, it's just..meh. I don't know..I am really tired of not having anyone that I have things in common with. Who I can say likes me for me and doesn't expect me to drop my hobbies.

I thought there was something there but I don't know anymore. Guess those are some strong reserves....yea..suckage.

My room is a mess I guess I need to figure away to clean it up tomorrow and Sunday. Maybe then I can have some company or enjoy the company of a friend. Who really knows.

OH!! I got in touch with the unemployment ppl finally. So know its more waiting , and if I am approved I will know by a letter in the mail and if I am not approved I get to file for an appeal. Which is fail. I got fired from a job by a manager who may not even be there YAY! I hate my life. I love my daughter. I am such a failure.

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