Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Julie and Julia.

Sooooo I've just finished watching a movie about food and the love for it. Or was it about how setting positive goals can bring out a better character than you thought existed within you in the first place? I don't know actually, Probably the latter. The relationships that both of the women had with there other halves did have me thinking "That would be an awesome relationship to have."

Apparently there is just something about me that keeps that from being the case. And I mean something on a deeper level, like the universe is like "NO! You can't have that." Every time that i get close to achieving an objective or goal that i set in place something fail happens. But i keep moving forward. ...well enough of that for now..

As far as the movie goes it is really good. Like all books to movies, I am sure the book is better. That doesn't prevent this one from delivering on a great experience that may have you cooking something and blogging..or just doing on or the other. Def check it out when you can. laterz


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