Friday, April 30, 2010

Vlog 4-30-10: Killer Squirrels @ teh Park!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bah! Females!

So Females can do no wrong...yea effin right!

Why is it that when they are the ones being lied to they are like boo hoo, boo hoo i hate liars waaah. Then they turn around and straight up lie to some one else? And why the majority of females that i meet decide not to talk to me after the first meeting. My personality didnt change. My pictures are the same. Argh..K this was more of my brain ranting than anything else...i'll spare you the rest of the spew.

Something on Bing i guess about tarot cards and something else weird was...oh yea dream dictionary, was kind of interesting. I guess my dreams are too weird for the dream dictionary because I had a dream about a dance competition that i won with out practicing and then lost the next day for whatever reason. and the only thing they got in there about dancing is gives lol. Oh and you are supposed to look for "symbols" in your dreams also because the different symbols can totally change the interpretation of your dream completely around. It makes me think of that one Dane Cook skit that i don't remember well enough to re-type lol. Well to dream land, to wake up, realize i'm fat, and will my self to some kind of physical exercise.

I wish I was in a house where i didnt have to worry that me playing DDR will drop me into the basement.

I need a home.donations ? peace

Saturday, April 10, 2010

back in nc

Wellllllllllll, I'm back in NC now.  I don't think anyone reads these. Hmm...oh well. My current mood is blah. Now that one person just isn't really saying anything at all anymore. I remember before she was excited that I was online. Now, it's just..meh. I don't know..I am really tired of not having anyone that I have things in common with. Who I can say likes me for me and doesn't expect me to drop my hobbies.

I thought there was something there but I don't know anymore. Guess those are some strong reserves....yea..suckage.

My room is a mess I guess I need to figure away to clean it up tomorrow and Sunday. Maybe then I can have some company or enjoy the company of a friend. Who really knows.

OH!! I got in touch with the unemployment ppl finally. So know its more waiting , and if I am approved I will know by a letter in the mail and if I am not approved I get to file for an appeal. Which is fail. I got fired from a job by a manager who may not even be there YAY! I hate my life. I love my daughter. I am such a failure.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well, tomorrow I am on th road again. Headed back to NC. My mom's bringing some peach cobbler and ice cream for us to devour  yaaay!

On the way back I need to remember to get Faygo and stuffs to take on a road trip. Mainly...Energy Drinks!!

Ya I know, Nothing exciting going on now I guess. Thinking about this awesome female that I know who still has reserves about stuff. Which is keeping us from becoming anything. I need to become more secure i guess.  I'm really positive as far as the sexual experience goes, the cuddling and such we satisfied each other beyond expectations. i mean it may have both been a while for either of us but it was worth it. Sux it was only 1 moment ans neither of us could really b at 100% for obvious reasons.

Really there are some things we both need to get straightened out on both our sides as far as work and such goes to sustain such a relationship. Things can work on love alone but someone has to be working or survival is just out of the question. I guess the decent part is that it isnt a LDR yet so there is a chance for me to get 'lucky' maybe again? I dunno lol. Well my mom is here with the P Cobb so i am outta herez, ttylz pplz


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Julie and Julia.

Sooooo I've just finished watching a movie about food and the love for it. Or was it about how setting positive goals can bring out a better character than you thought existed within you in the first place? I don't know actually, Probably the latter. The relationships that both of the women had with there other halves did have me thinking "That would be an awesome relationship to have."

Apparently there is just something about me that keeps that from being the case. And I mean something on a deeper level, like the universe is like "NO! You can't have that." Every time that i get close to achieving an objective or goal that i set in place something fail happens. But i keep moving forward. ...well enough of that for now..

As far as the movie goes it is really good. Like all books to movies, I am sure the book is better. That doesn't prevent this one from delivering on a great experience that may have you cooking something and blogging..or just doing on or the other. Def check it out when you can. laterz
